Introductions, Regency-Style

In our informal modern society, it’s socially acceptable to introduce ourselves to a stranger without needing a third person to get involved. Meeting someone new might start with a clever (or corny) pick up line or be as simple as saying, “Hi, my name is____.” We can be confident that the other person will tell us his or her name. And thus an acquaintance, or more, begins. During the Regency, an introduction was much more…

Why Regency is my Passion

I love many eras in history, but my favorite is the Regency. There are many reasons for this favorite. It was such a unique and brief, time in history. The Regency came amidst much social and economic change, filled with turmoil and trouble. What draws me to it are the customs and people who lived in that time. This may be a skewed and romanticized vision, but British gentlemen who live long ago as seemed…

Origin of Amesbury

In my Regency romance series, “The Rogue Hearts,” I created a family with the surname Amesbury. I first heard the name when a neighbor got engaged to a young man whose last name was Amesbury. The moment I heard Amesbury, something perked up inside me. My neighbor said dreamily, “Doesn’t that sound like the name of an English lord?” I wholeheartedly agreed. Years later, when I wrote my first Regency romance novel, The Stranger She…