The Power of Readers Prompts a New Release–A Perfect Match

Readers probably don’t know how much power they have. Think of it. If readers didn’t buy and read books, authors wouldn’t publish the mad scribblings they feel compelled to write. They might not even write a lot stories if no one read them. After all, there’s nothing like a deadline or fan letters asking for the next book to make a writer finish the next manuscript in a timely manner (or at all). Furthermore, readers’…

Origin of Amesbury

In my Regency romance series, “The Rogue Hearts,” I created a family with the surname Amesbury. I first heard the name when a neighbor got engaged to a young man whose last name was Amesbury. The moment I heard Amesbury, something perked up inside me. My neighbor said dreamily, “Doesn’t that sound like the name of an English lord?” I wholeheartedly agreed. Years later, when I wrote my first Regency romance novel, The Stranger She…

Book Giveaway

*****Giveaway Closed***** It’s time to celebrate the upcoming release of book 4 in my award-winning “Rogue Hearts Regency Series,” The Suspect’s Daughter, available December 3, 2015.  Celebrating is always more fun with friends. So, I am giving away five copies of book 3, A Perfect Secret which features Grant who is the hero of book 4. Winners have a choice of receiving a paperback copy or a digital copy for ebook readers. A Perfect Secret …