A Perfect Secret is getting a new cover!! The old cover was lovely, but the male model, handsome as he was, didn’t look like Christian. The model was too rough-looking and too old.
In fact, at a book signing when I told a prospective reader about the book, she asked, “Is this the villain on the cover?”
Um, no.
So that propelled me to more actively seek a model who fit Christian’s description and didn’t look like the bad guy. And, as you can see, I have enjoyed success.
You may ask why I settled for a picture that I didn’t love. Well, I’d spent months searching for images for the cover and couldn’t find the right couple wearing the right kind of clothing (not to mention to right amount–you’d be surprised how many scantily-clad couples there are out there) . And I didn’t have the budget for a custom photo shoot. So rather than put off release date for an indeterminate amount of time until I found the right couple, I chose the image that fit the best and released the book.
Over the last year since the book’s release, I’ve been casually skimming pictures looking for Christian. Finally, I found my vision of Christian–young, blond, blue eyed, and so handsome that jealous brothers would call him pretty. I think this one is perfect, don’t you?
So don’t be surprised or confused when you see this new cover pop up. Digital and print copies of the new cover will be available soon. In the meantime, you can still buy this book with the old cover on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other online book retail stores.
Here is the book cover blurb:
Desperate to protect her father from trial and death, Genevieve breaks off her engagement with Christian Amesbury and marries a blackmailer. After a year of marriage, she flees her husband’s violent domination only to have fate bring her back to Christian. Just when she thinks she’s started a new life of safety and solitude, her husband tracks her down, stalks her, and threatens everyone she loves.
Still brokenhearted over Genevieve’s betrayal a year ago, Christian can’t believe she’s come back into his life–and worse, that she’s done it on the anniversary of his brother’s death, a death that haunts him. Though tempted to throw her back into the river where he found her, he can’t leave her at the mercy of the terrifying man she married.
When her husband torments Genevieve and puts the Amesbury family in danger, Christian will do anything to protect those he loves…anything except give Genevieve another chance to break his heart.
The new cover is gorgeous and the hero is yummy! He totally looks like Christian. Sigh. I loved that book. I think I need another copy with this new cover. Which means I’ll have to read the new book all the way through 🙂