
Book giveaway–The Guise of a Gentleman

Win a free paperback copy of The Guise of a Gentleman, Book 2 of the Rogue Hearts Series. It’s the proof, so there will be a stamped “proof” across the inside page, but otherwise it is exactly as a real paperback copy. To enter,  simply follow the directions  in the Rafflecopter below. Don’t be scared of Rafflecopter–it’s super easy and will walk you through the process. Here is the blurb from the back cover: Though…

Dressing a Kitten

I discovered this painting, Two Girls Dressing a Kitten by Candlelight  by Joseph Wright of Derby (1737-1797) between 1768-1770,  on a blog I adore called Two Nerdy History girls. While the author of the blog, Isabella Bradford, provided a fascinating discussion on the possible meanings of the painting,  I take a more simplistic approach. Since I am neither an art critic, nor a psychologist, this painting took me down memory lane to my childhood. As…

Book Giveaway–The Stranger She Married Winner

Congratulations to Carisa Sparks Carico who was chosen in a random drawing to win a free paperback copy of my Regency Romance, The Stranger She Married, the first of the Rogue Hearts Series. The new and improved version of Stranger She Married will be available in paperback to everyone in the near future. Keep posted and I will announce it as soon as that happens. In the meantime, it is available digitally everywhere digital books…

Book giveaway–The Stranger She Married

Win a free paperback copy of The Stranger She Married, Book 1 of the Rogue Hearts Series. It’s the proof, so there will be a stamped “proof” across the inside front page, but otherwise it is exactly as it will be when the real paperback copies come out, which will be soon. To enter,  simply enter the rafflecopter below. Don’t be scared of Rafflecopter–it’s super easy and will walk you through the process. Here is…

Chocolate Giveaway

Reviews on Amazon are crucial for helping readers “find” authors.  Most people probably don’t think to leave a review for a book they liked.  So I am asking you for a review. And I’m willing to offer an incentive, or a bribe, or whatever you want to call it.  If you’ve read one of my books and honestly loved (or liked) it, please leave a review on Amazon and post the link to it in…

Realize Your Writing Dreams

Looking for a conference with all the benefits of an RWA national conference but at HALF the cost and in a more intimate setting where you can rub elbows with editors, agents and bestselling authors? LOOK NO FURTHER! Desert Dreams is a popular and informative conference held in sunny Arizona! Registration for the 2014 Desert Dreams Writers’ Conference, April 4 – 6, is now open! SPECIAL FEATURE!! An in-depth Q & A panel with NYT…

Happy Halloween

The delightful Halloween postcard comes from a collection in the Toronto Public Library. , This postcard was printed in 1909 in Germany for the American market. It is only one that the library shared on its blog here – definitely worth a look!   Have a Happy–um, I mean–Merry Halloween!   [subscribe2]…


A PERFECT SECRET, book 3 of the Rogue Hearts Series, available now! A PERFECT SECRET, book 3 of my award-winning Rogue Heart Series, is a sweet Regency Historical Romance with a hint of suspense and a happily ever after. It has been released one day early, which is kinda cool because today is my youngest daughter’s birthday so I now have two babies born on this day 🙂 Desperate to protect her father from trial…

New Release!!!

A PERFECT SECRET, book 3 of the Rogue Hearts Series, is available now! A PERFECT SECRET, book 3 of Donna Hatch’s award-winning Rogue Heart series, is a sweet Regency Historical Romance with a hint of suspense and a happily ever after. Desperate to protect her father from trial and death, Genevieve breaks off her engagement with Christian Amesbury and marries a blackmailer. After a year of marriage, she flees her husband’s violent domination only to…