Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is a worldwide icon for England. Built in the eleventh century, it has been in continuous use as a royal residence since William the Conqueror–the only structure that fits that description. To date, thirty nine royal generations have called this home. In recent times, Windsor Castle became more of a weekend retreat for the royal family, although formal events also occur here. William the Conqueror founded the castle and is credited for its…

Take Me Back Historical Romance Giveaway

****Contest ended**** If you love historical romance, now’s your chance to expand your library! The Take Me Back! Historical Romance group is a great way to try new authors of historical romance for free. This huge promotion features 18 great historical novels by 18 amazing authors of all heat levels … plus FIVE $10 gift cards. This is not a contest where you have to enter and only hope you win. Everyone gets to download…

Mother’s Day Giveaway

Mothers Mothers are the best! Despite heroines in my Regency historical romance novels who seldom seem to have a mother nearby to help them, I adore mothers. My mother is the closest thing to a saint I’ve ever known. She taught me to love books, poems, and stories by reading to me every night when I was little. She listened as I read to her when I grew old enough. All this reading inspired in…