Mothers are the best! Despite heroines in my Regency historical romance novels who seldom seem to have a mother nearby to help them, I adore mothers. My mother is the closest thing to a saint I’ve ever known. She taught me to love books, poems, and stories by reading to me every night when I was little. She listened as I read to her when I grew old enough. All this reading inspired in me to tell stories of my own, even as a child.
My mother taught me to appreciate music by playing good music in the home, taking me with her to church choir rehearsals, teaching me to play the ukulele, taking me to symphony orchestra performances and annual visits to the ballet to enjoy the Nutcracker during the Christmas Season. This led to my years of singing in choirs, performing as a soloist for local and church events, and playing the guitar (briefly–but I won the 7th grade talent show doing it) and years of playing and teaching the harp .
Mom patiently listened to my woes, didn’t roll her eyes (visibly) at all my drama, helped me memorize my times tables, taught me to cook, tried to teach me to sew (my fault–not hers–that I didn’t learn it well!), kissed skinned knees and elbows, and always greeted me in the morning with a hug and a smile. She even tried to teach me gardening, a skill I didn’t appreciate or try to cultivate until I had a home and garden space of my own.
As a mother of my own six children, I often reflect on Mom’s example and try to emulate her. No, I don’t sew clothes for my children like she did for me, but I consider how she would handle any given situation that I face with my children.
Mother’s Day was invented over a hundred years ago, and I’m so happy for the opportunity to help us each to remember our mothers and make a special effort to express appreciation for she who gave me life, but more importantly, who raised me, nurtured me, taught me, and loved me.

Since Mother’s Day is coming up, I’d like to give a gift to a special mother. If you are a mother, or if you have an amazing mother (who lives within the United States) or an influential surrogate mom or a wife who is a fantastic mother to your children, you can enter to win a dozen fancy Mother’s Day berries to give to her from Shari’s Berries.
In addition, the winner will also receive one paperback or digital (your choice) of any of my books or novellas. You can view the selection on my bookshelf. Keep in mind that some of them are only available in digital format.
The winner of the random drawing for the chocolate-cover strawberries and one of my book titles of her choice. And the winner is…..
Julie Langevin!
Congratulations, Julie! You have won With every Heartbeat, per your request, and Shari’s Berries Mother’s Day strawberries. How awesome is that?
Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and left such wonderful, meaningful comments.
To win the berries and the book, simply tell me in the comments below:
1. One thing you love about this wonderful mother, or one thing you love about being a mother
2. Which book you’d like to win
3. Your complete email address so I can notify you if your name is chosen.
That’s it! This random drawing will take place and be announced on ***CHANGE!!! May 11, 2017 at noon Pacific Time*** in order to ensure delivery before Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there!
Open to US mailing addresses only. I still love my international readers, but mailing overseas won’t work in this situation.
One entry per person, please. This means you can enter your mother or yourself but not both. This also means you can ask your husband or children to nominate you 😉 .
Winner (meaning the mother) must be at least 18 years old.
Void where prohibited.
I would love to win Troubled Hearts, since I haven’t read it yet. My sister is the best Mom in the world. She practically raised me. She just got me a new washing machine when mine died.
Hi, Audrey. Your sister sounds like an amazing person. Thank you for entering her in the giveaway!
My mother does so many things that shows us that she loves us. But I guess I would choose the little things – like her making us breakfast, lunch or dinner and fussing over us.
The Matchmaking Game.
Moms are great at all those little things we take for granted, aren’t they? Thanks so much for stopping by, Mary!
Hi. I am a mother to 3 grown daughters and I have 7 grandchildren. What I love most about my Mom is she is very generous and will help with no expectations of being repaid.
I am new to your writing, so I would let you pick the book.
Have a blessed day.
Gina Johnson
Wonderful, Gina! Welcome and good luck!
Hi Donna, What a generous giveaway! My mother is the most kind and forgiving person I know. Thanks!
That’s wonderful, Kathy. We all need kindness and forgiveness. Thanks so much for entering your mom!
My mom was a nurse for her career. She is a very loving and caring person that whether at home, work, church or out and about, she was always doing her best to help others. She still is constantly serving and giving of her time and love to anyone she comes across. I can call her and know that she’ll be busy working on something for someone else.
For me she sacrificed her time and money to provide music lessons for many years and several instruments. She was always playing or singing and instilled a deep love of music in me. That blessed my life as I used it in my own home to teach music and be able to stay home with my children and work from home.
I could add many more of my thoughts and love about my Mom and her example to me and many others but I’ll just share those two.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone! <3
She sounds like an amazing person, Julie! Thanks so much for telling me about her. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
1. One thing I love about being a mom is getting hugs from my kids 🙂
2. Autumn Masquerade
Hugs are awesome, aren’t they, Adrienne? They always make me smile, too. Good luck in the giveaway!
My paternal grandmother was more of a mother to me she was always there when I needed her and would always listen to what I had to say.
The matchmaking game
That’s awesome, Kim. Grandmas are the best! Thanks for stopping by and entering her in the giveaway!
I love how my wife works so hard to take care of our family. She’d like to win Autumn Masquerade.
I’m so happy to hear you appreciate your wife, Adam. She is absolutely entered. Good luck!
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for doing this! One thing I love about being a mother is being able to watch my kids grow and learn constantly. It is so much fun being able to watch their personalities emerge as well. I would love a physical copy of The Suspect’s Daughter.
I love watching my children learn and grow and see their developing personalities, too. Thanks so much for sharing that with me!
Hi! Happy Mothers Day!
My mother is 84, and she is feisty, funny, and loving. The thing I admire most about her- she had the courage to break up with my Dad, get a job @ the GM plant, and raise 3 kids on her own. It was really hard. When she separated from my Dad, she had a small part time job & we were far away from family. I don’t know how she managed to keep a roof over our heads & feed us until she got into the shop, but she did and never gave up or complained. She didn’t even tell her family about it for a long time. She is amazing!
That’s wonderful, Elaine. I admire women of such courage and fortitude. Thanks for telling me about her!
I would love to win any of your books that I don’t already own. I own most of them of course!! Biggest fan! 😉 As for my own mom, I appreciate that she taught me to enjoy your children. No matter what they are putting you through, some day they will be gone, so enjoy them…every bit of them! She also taught me to surround myself with things that bring me joy and not feel guilty about it. 🙂 my email address is
Enjoying children is a very important part of being a mom even though not every minute is exactly perfect! Surrounding oneself with things that bring happiness is something that I finally embraced a few years ago and it has made a big difference. Thanks so much for telling me such wonderful things about your mom, Debbie!
My mom is a wonderful example to me! She had humble beginnings in life, and has blossomed like a beautiful rose! She is righteous, beautiful and caring. I would love to send her those yummy berries!
She sounds like a great mom, Kristi! Thanks for entering her!
Hi, great post!
My mother is 100 years old and in a nursing facility. She still goes to meals with her walker. She was a great mother, even as busy as she was. She was a teacher, scout leader, writer, and antique dealer through the years. She instilled in us a love of learning, reading and history. When she wanted to remodel our 1836 house– she had a plan and it got accomplished. It is now a museum– with my brother on the board! I wish I wasn’t so far away from her.
I would like to win The Stranger She Married – in print form please. paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet thanks for the chance to win!
She sounds like a special kind of lady, Paula! Thank you so much for nominating her!
1. There are so many things that I love about my mom. She has passed down the skills of sewing and canning that her mother taught her. She is talented at keeping the home clean and organized and keeping a schedule. It meant a lot to me to have her tell me how much she admires my parenting skills. I feel lacking compared to her, yet she sees good in my beginning parenting.
2. I have “Heart Strings” high on my TBR list 🙂
3. secretpearls (at) gmail (dot) com
I love my mom’s big smile.
I would love to win Troubled Hearts.
dlatany at gmail dot com
Big smiles are the best! Thanks for stopping by, Latanya!
What I love about being a mom is when my kids surprise me by learning something new. It’s sort of miraculous every time.
I have been dying to read Courting the Countess.
emoutoftime (at) gmail (dot) com
My kids surprise me often too! Thanks, Emily!
Donna, thank you for this Mother’s day give away. My Mum believed in me. When all my teaches said that I would never be able to learn, it was my Mum who set them straight and push me to be my very best self.
I would love to win Courting the Countess if its in print form (I didn’t see where it was or not).
1. She is always willing to listen to me.
2. A Perfect Secret in print
I appreciate that my mom always finds humor in any situation. She’s doesn’t let the small things get to her. I’d like to read Summer House Party.
My mom is a very special person, as well as a terrific mother. She always gave my sisters and me unconditional love. I would love to have Courting the Countess.
I would love to win Courting the Countess. My mother was a strong determined woman. She taught me to be self reliant.
My mom is awesome. She’s always there when I need her. Especially when dealing my own kids. Now granted she gets a laugh because my kids’ actions are usually similar to something I did when I was young. I love how I can make my kids laugh and they do the same for me, although, usually not consciously. I love watching grow up, too.
I would love to read Courting the Countess.
klhfrog2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
1. I love being a mom. I was so scared, but God gave me two of the biggest blessings. Their little hearts are so open and loving. My mom was a good listener and I’m hoping I’m following her footsteps with my children.
2. I would love to read several of your books that I haven’t read yet, but I’ll say The Matchmaking Game.
I’ll post two things.
1) My mother had the patience of the saint! Only now, chasing my own toddler, do I fully appreciate the level of love and patience she had.
2) I love reading time best with my son. When he curls, up on my lap and asks me to read one more (usually when it’s time for bed) I can’t say “no”!
I’d love a paperback copy of Queen in Exile, if available. 😀
Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing women!
I love being a mom, birthing and raising my 7 children it was all i lived for, their love for me. I didn’t have personally a husband who did love me, after i wasn’t needed to raise our children & 28 yrs marriage, he left with another. I look back now and see it is the love of my children & my love for them that saved me through this difficult time. i am truly a blessed woman to be loved by her children.
Book: With every Heartbeat
I hope you find a good and honorable man who loves you with all his heart and I’m so glad your children are there for you!
My mom is the perfect example of selfless service and patience. I’m lucky to have such a great resource to turn to with my own parenting dilemmas.
I’d love a paperback of Queen in Exile. Can I give you the mailing address if I win? I’m not comfortable just randomly posting it. 🙂
My mom read to me as well, and I read to my children. I just read The Matchmaking Game and adored it. Now I’m reading Summer House Party. I’d love a book from the Rogue series.
Moms who read to their children are doing them a great service! Thanks for entering my giveaway. And I’m so happy you liked The Matchmaking Game! Enjoy Summer House party!
I am so thankful for my mother! She is a very patient listener and gives me wise counsel and lots of love.
I would love to win ‘Courting the Countess’ in ebook please.
nj (dot) bossman (at) gmail (dot) com
She sounds like a great mom!